9 th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2024)

  • ​The fields of Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Software Engineering, and related disciplines are rapidly changing and evolving in the countries and the societies. In order to keep up with this rapid transformation, find solutions to the challenges faced by relevant departments and undergraduate/graduate programs, and contribute to the future of the countries, the Department Chairs of Computer Engineering Board (BMBB) meetings have been organized for 28 years. This year marks the 38th BMBB meeting. To ensure that the valuable results produced in these meetings are shared not only among department chairs but also with all academics, it has been decided to organize International Conferences on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK) in conjunction with BMBB meetings. This year’s conference, the 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK 2024), will be hosted by Akdeniz University in Antalya – Türkiye from October 26 to 28, 2024.
  • The UBMK conference is organized by the Computer Engineering Department Chairs (BMBB) Board and the Academic Information Foundation (ABV), in collaboration with Akdeniz University, İstanbul Technical University (İTU), Gazi University, and Atılım University.
  • Each paper submitted to the conference is evaluated by at least two expert referees in the field. Papers that pass the referee approval stage undergo a similarity check. Papers that pass this stage are included in the conference program. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
  • In order to enhance university-industry collaboration, papers presenting the results of R&D projects conducted in industrial organizations may also be presented at the conference. A special session will be organized for accepted papers, and paper accepted from industry will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
  • Papers presented at UBMK conferences are also published in different journals. Selected papers chosen by the committee may be expanded and published in journals. Some of the journals currently under agreement include: ABV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (TR-DIZIN), International Security Science (TR-DIZIN, EBSCO).
  • Department chairs from Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Engineering, and Information Systems Engineering are participating in both our country and abroad.
  • The main goal of the UBMK conference is to increase knowledge sharing in the field of computer science and engineering, support more qualified and focused research, and most importantly, contribute to increasing collaborations. Therefore, conference revenues are used for these purposes, and participation fees are kept at the lowest level possible. Conference revenues cover expenses such as collective payments to IEEE, fees per paper, promotion of the conference, organization, expenses for invited speakers, refreshments during the conference, infrastructure costs, and taxes. 
  • The Academic Information Foundation (ABV) provides support for the conference in financial matters.
  • The conference awards the following Best Paper Awards for selected papers based on specific criteria:

          – Best academic papers (Undergraduate students)

          – Best academic papers (Graduate students)

          – Best academic papers (Industrial organization)

          – Best academic paper (general)

  • Support is provided for students who participate in the conference with or without a paper until September 15, 2024:

         – The participation fee of 12 students who are members of the IEEE student club.

         – The participation fee of 12 students who are members of the IEEE student club.

  • Discounted participation fees are provided for IEEE members. In addition, discounted participation fees are offered to ABV, TBD, BMO, and EMO members.  
  • As the BMBB Board, we value our nature and environment. In this context, we support the Green Deal Act and carry out activities within its scope:

          – Trees are planted in suitable places every year in the region where the event is held for conference participants.

          – Documents are digitally presented to participants to create a zero-carbon world, and paper is not used unless absolutely necessary.

  • The UBMK 2024 conference will be held in-person. However, online “Remote Access” will be provided for those who cannot come to Türkiye from abroad.
  • As the BMBB Board we support the issues given below. In every city where the conference is held:

     – Cooperation is established with industrial and trade chambers, and special agenda meetings are organized according to the chambers’ requests.

     – Negotiations are held with local governments to discuss problems and future goals, and meetings are organized to transfer the experiences of the BMBB Board. 


  • Opening Speeches,
  • Speeches of Invited Speakers and
  • Organizational R&D Presentations

within the conference will be broadcast on Youtube. The channel name is BMBB Board, and channel is open to everyone. 

You can write any questions and suggestions to the official email address as ubmkkonferansi@gmail.com

Inportant Dates

    • Paper submission deadline : 12 August 2024
    • Start sending suggestions to authors for correction : 30 August 2024
    • Last day to prepare the paper for printing : 5 September 2024
    • The last day of sending acceptance latter for papers : 15 September 2024
    • Early registration deadline : 25 September 2024
    • Deadline for payment of accepted papers : 25 September 2024
    • Announcements of detailed conference program : 1 October 2024
    • Conference dates : 26-27-28 October 2024
    • Conference dinner : 27 October 2024
    • Post-conference social programs : 29 – 30 October 2024

The Aim of Conference

The main objective of the conference is to bring together academics, researchers, students and public and private sector employees working in the fields of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Information Security Engineering, and related areas. The goal is to share new and different research, studies, applications, implementations and thoughts.

The Theme of Conference

While the main theme of UBMK 2024 is determined as Generative Artificial Intelligence papers to be presented are not limited to this field and include topics such as Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Information Security Engineering, and Software Engineering.

Papers submitted to the Conference Organization Committee will be evaluated by at least two referees who are experts in the field. Papers accepted for oral presentations will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Papers presented at the conference submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. The expanded and article versions of selected papers presented at the conference will be published in the Journals after peer reviews.

The topics to be discussed at the conference are listed below. However, the conference is open to papers from any field that will contribute to the fields of research and development of Computer Science and Engineering.

Main Topics

• Algorithms and Algorithmic Designs
• Artificial Intelligence and Applications
• Big Data Analytics
• Cloud Computing, Applications and Security
• Computer Architectures
• Computer Networks and Applications
• Databases, Applications, and Security
• Data Science
• Data Structures

• High Performance Computing

• Information and Computer Security
• Information Theory
• IoT
• Metaverse
• Mobile Computing
• Operating Systems and Applications
• Programming Languages
• Software Engineering
• Virtualization
• Web and Data Mining
• Web Technologies and Applications

Other Topics

• Applications in Silicon
• Big Data, Applications, Analytics and Security
• Block Chain
• Computer Vision
• Copyright Protection Approaches
• Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
• Cyber laws and Ethics
• Forensics and Counter Forensics
• Governance
• Green IT
• Information Systems Standards
• Information Technology
• M2M and Industry 4.0
• Natural Language Processing
• Next Generation Internet Technologies
• Open Sources
• Quantum Computing
• Search Engines, Applications and Threats
• Semantic Web
• Signal Processing
• Software Defined Networks

Education, Strategies and Policies

• Audit and Certification in Information Systems
• Computer Engineering Education
• Computer Science Education
• Engineering and Social Responsibility
• Country Strategies and Policies
• New Trends in Computer Engineering
• Quality and Accreditation in Graduate Education
• Software Engineering Education
• Information Technologies in Disaster Management